I have developed a bad habit of picking up vanity domain names and not really doing much with them. Last month at AWS Re:Invent I picked up ServerlessSecurity.org and really wanted to do something with it but didn’t feel like maintaining, or paying for, a VPS so after doing some looking around I found that is was possible to point a custom domain to Github pages.
The documentation they provide is a little lacking, so I figured I would put together a small how to for anyone who wants to do this for themselves.
Configure Your Github Repo
- Create a new repo for your website.
- Go To Settings Page
- Find The Github Pages Area

- Select Your Theme:

- Decide What Branch You Want To Host The Page In:

- Enter Your Domain Name:

- Enforce HTTPS

- Finally, Edit Your Index.md file With Your Content.
Configure DNS
DNS configuration is pretty straightforward. You want to add the following IP addresses to your custom resource records.

You Now Have A Website
After you configure your repo and update you DNS settings within 15 minutes or so your website should be live.

This is a really such simple method of hosting a website I parked the rest of my vanity websites:
I hope this is helpful for other people looking to host a website quickly.